Friday, March 13, 2009


Twitter alert!

I have not gotten into anything like this in a long time! I am officially addicted to this Twitter. I tweet!

You've got to come on there and be a "follower" of me... not in the way you are thinking like in high school you were either a follower or a leader... get over that... I'm still trying too! but in a way that means that I can figure out who you are and I can communicate with you directly... I'm not talking about just giving you tour dates (come see me on the road) or asking you to call your favorite radio station and request my song (which you should!!!!) or that I have a new album coming out soon called " Big Dreams and High Hopes " and you should get a lot of copies, some for yourself and others for people that need to have a copy (which I do and you should) BUT because it is really something that I am enjoying being a part of and it IS a great way to actually COMMUNICATE with people from my point of view! I am on there constantly updating what I am doing all day long and talking about music... usually not mine although I do like that subject as well. Seriously... it's Friday night and Mary's looking fancy and I'm on this blog talking about some new website called Twitter!

So do not pass go... go to and join up and then say that you want to follow "jackingrammusic" or @jackingrammusic... I don't normally recommend this kind of stuff... but what can I say... in the words of Radney Foster yet in a totally different kind of way... "I'm In"!



Jean said...

I'm in too! Are we at 1000 yet?

darlene said...

i love the title of your new cd! i also love following you on twitter.

MRH said...

Twitter addiction doesn't even BEGIN to cover it, sweetheart. When I first joined I thought "How lame? Who the hell wants to know what lil ole me is doing 24 hrs a day?!" But it's seriously sucked me in. Don't be surprised when I'm telling you what I had for dinner, what book made me laugh so hard I peed my pants and what warped dream I had that woke me up at 4 in the morning. :) Remember. You asked for it. ;)