Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March Madness indeed

Wow! March was a whirlwind, buddy. Started the month on the road. Went to Australia for 2 weeks. Loved Australia. Hated the time change. Took me a few days to figure that out no matter how hard I tried to ignore the jet lag. Spring break wasn't really that. It was good but it was not a break. Hit the road with 10 acoustic motel tour dates. I love doing those shows. They take it out of you simply because I don't have the band to lean on. If the show's gonna work it's because I gotta. Ended the month and went into April with a much anticipated show at our favorite dance hall Gruene Dance Hall.

This week I'm gonna do my best to let Tiger Woods do all the work.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blog,


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Acoutstic Shows and John Mayer pt. 2

It just occured to me for not the first time that all of what I wrote b4, aside from the part about Acoustic shows, might be incredibly off base and full of s#t! I may have no idea where JM is coming from and have no personal experience about what he may or may not be trying to say in an interview that I had no part of and haven't even read yet! In fact that is probably the case! So either regard what I said or disregard or whatever you want to do. I will be good with all of it!

I am gonna read that article. And I do dig John Mayer's music and a lot of how he approaches this business. Whatever.

See you at the shows.

Keep on keepin' on...


Acoustic Shows and John Mayer

I'm heading out and up into the blizzards of the great Midwest tomorrow! Got 3 "Acoustic Motel" shows starting in Green Bay Friday night! That should be an interesting one considering that I am playing at one of my favorite casinos BUT doing an acoustic show in the bar at Oneida will have some serious noise issues as I am trying to wax philosophical, tell stories about where and why I wrote particular songs and sing them all alone up there while there is literally a bar at the foot of the stage and betting machines built into the bar in front of the seats with bells and whistles and grandmas rattling the pull levers on the slots the whole time!!!! Should be funny... kind of like train wrecks are. Well I guess it's really not that serious... it's just a dude talking smack and singing some touchy feely love songs... actually nothing like a train wreck now that I think about it.

How bout John Mayer getting himself all over the "I already hated John Mayer" focus groups! I haven't read the Playboy interview yet but I will (Playboy loves all this) but I'm willing to bet that he's just trying to be outrageous and funny or something and he probably doesn't really realize just how much all his girly girl fans think of him as a sensitive, smart, Japanese speaking, sing me to sleep or make love kind of artist! Probably going to end up being a boundary definer for him I would guess. I dig the guy's music and the way he approaches the whole thing. Not taking up for anything insensitive that he said (again, I haven't read the article) but I'm going to bet he was not TRYING to offend anybody and probably was just trying to get noticed thinking that he has to because he's too close to his own career to see in the big picture that his name and career is like a blimp (among other big blimps) up there in the blue sky. That's my take. He'll say sorry and I bet he'll mean it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

twentyten is FREE


I looked on my own website a few weeks ago and noticed that I had not updated this blog since July! I'm not great with math but I know that that is quite a few months ago, another world ago, a few million Taylor Swift sales ago, one thousand three hundred fourteen tweets ago, Jay Leno's experiment ago, Seeing Stars fly away ago, Christmas come and gone ago, sixteen songs I've written that you will never hear ago, two songs that I know will be on my next project ago, 63 great shows ago, 4 shows that sucked ago, 5 major temper tantrums ago, 784 mild irritations ago, 48 roundtrip business (music) trips to and from Austin (home) ago, 178 Bud Lights ago, 37 fights (arguments) with my wife ago, 38 makeup se... well, you know ago, 14 pairs of sun glasses bought and lost ago, 2 major golf tournaments that Tiger Woods didn't win ago, oh yeah and the other Tiger Woods thing ago, a whole ton of miles ago and a mess of perfectly unwound things that did and didn't happen in the not so perfect way that everything always keeps on turning out just exactly the way it should ago.... it's been a while.

If other things keep getting in the way of coming here and babbling on then I suppose it will be a while b4 I get back here again but if this blogging thing ends up sticking around, in the bigger picture kind of way, then I guess I'll be back in a few days or weeks and fill you in again on a lot of the nothingness and some of the somethingness that goes on in my world. We'll see...

At any rate, keep on keepin on...
