Monday, August 25, 2008

Let's catch up here...

Almost a month since I've checked in here... sorry about that but I've been a little busy and in places without the greatest bandwidth.

Anyway, quit bitching at me and let's get down to business.

Just got back from Jamaica where I went with The Lia Show and it was phenomenal. I took the whole damn family and we had a great time. We did a acoustic show down there with James Otto and Bucky Covington... that James Otto could sing the phonebook and sound great. What a voice. It was a good time. The 5 days down there was very nice. The Lia Show crew and Lia herself were fantastic. Thanks to them for the hospitality!

We went to Phoenix a few weeks back... Wow! I'm calling this the "Prove Your Love" Tour... we went to Green Bay in January and Phoenix in August!!!!! I think somebody decided that we should go to cities with extreme weather during the most extreme weather months! Martina calls it The Waking Up Laughing Tour... somebody's laughing that's for sure... the booking agents!!!

BUT... Jessi Colter came out to the show in Phoenix and we sang "Storms Never Last" together... do I need to explain how cool that was? I spent the whole afternoon watching a YouTube video of her and Waylon doing it and trying to learn Waylon's part. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Love me some Jessi Colter. I had a dog in college that I named Jessi after her... I didn't tell her that because there's really no way to explain to a woman that you named a dog after her and have that woman understand how that is really a huge compliment... the dog was really beautiful and I loved her very much!!!

Been recording a bunch.

Playing some shows this weekend in the Southeast and then in Chicago (yes!) and then in Austin on Sunday night!!!!! Come see me!

Keep On Keepin' On...


Monday, August 4, 2008

Did I ever tell about the time...

The Rolling Stones opened for me in Toronto, Canada?

If you've heard this one then sorry but if you haven't then check this out because it was one helluva night!

I had a gig at a place in Toronto, I think it was called The Horseshoe or something like that, and we pulled up to the club at our usual load in time. It was early in the afternoon. The owner of the club comes running out to our van and is very excited! He explained to us that something had come up that at the club and that no matter what happens he still wants us to play that night. Well that had me guessing... what the hell could be up that would possibly prevent us from playing that night but that the club owner would be very excited about and still want us to play?

Turns out that The Rolling Stones were in Toronto rehearsing for their upcoming tour and had been asked to drop by the club to present an award, via satellite, for the MTV Video Awards which were happening that night. They decided that they would not only show up to present the award but would also do an unannounced set at the club!!!!

I told the club owner that we did not have to play but could he just let us in to see the show! He insisted that we set up our gear on stage and be ready to play. I said we'll see and thought no way in hell are we going on tonight!

Late in the afternoon the club began filling up with people who had heard about the Stones being there for the awards ceremony. They had no idea about the plans for an impromptu set. The band and I stood separate from the crowd over by the stage knowing what was going to go down a little bit later. As soon as the band was done with the television thing they walked right over to the stage. They took their places and proceeded to rock the world for about 65 minutes! Me and the guys in the band (Pete had stood in front of the stage so long that because he wasn't willing to miss a note or lose his spot by the stage he actually "went" in an empty beer cup... he wouldn't want me telling that part so please keep that to yourself) were so close to the stage that I distinctly remember seeing Mick's sweat fly off of his face and land on mine! Keith was playing sloppy brilliance within hand reach of us... It was AWESOME!!!!!!

As soon as the Stones were done the club owner yells for us to get on stage! I actually climbed up on the stage from the audience position I was in. It took us about 5 minutes to plug in our guitars and get ready to go. The crowd wasn't sure what was going on and to be honest neither did I. I yelled "One, Two, Three, Four" and we plowed into "Dim Lights, Thick Smoke (and loud, loud music)" and were off to the races. We played as loud as we could for as long as we could and had a ball doing it. Pete drank Mike's Hard Lemonade and kept steady as long as he could!

At the end of the night we all agreed that the opening band was a pretty good outfit from over the pond and that if they kept it up they probably could make a go of it!!!!

By the way... we just watched that new documentary "Shine A Light" this weekend and it rocks! Check it out. The Rolling Stones are BAD ASS!

Me and the band are out on the West Coast with Martina and having a grand time.

See you out here...

Keep On Keepin' on...
